Workshop Feedback

Is paruresis (shy bladder syndrome) curable?


That's the question which everyone who has paruresis wants to know the answer to. There is certainly no easy option. There is no pill you can take which will make it go away, never to return. But don't let that make you feel despondent. There is plenty you can do to make significant improvements to your shy bladder condition so that it no longer do...

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  1777 Hits

"Practice makes perfect"


How often do we hear that phrase? Practice is how we learn to play a musical instrument, throw a bullseye in darts, learn to skate, run faster, jump higher, dance better – the secret behind all these skills is to practice. The more we practice, the better our progress. For anyone who has attended a UK Paruresis Trust shy bladder workshop you'll kno...

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  1363 Hits

UKPT reviews – fake or genuine feedback?


I recently listened to a podcast, which discussed how trustworthy, or not, online reviews are. According to several consumer organisations, up to 1 in 3 may be fake. As the use of Artificial Intelligence tools becomes more commonplace, it may become even harder to tell genuine reviews from convincing fakes which are designed to mislead the reader. ...

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  1734 Hits

My experience living with Shy Bladder Syndrome – from there to here


By a current 3rd year Arts and Humanities NTU student Content warning – This blog mentions substance abuse and suicidal feelings which some readers may find triggering Hello! I'm a third-year humanities student here at NTU and I have Paruresis also known as Shy Bladder Syndrome. Now, If you don't know what this is, then allow me to explain… Parures...

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  1745 Hits

Very very insightful - Keith’s verdict on his recent virtual workshop experience.


Evaluation - after end of the Virtual workshop – VIA EMAIL 1. In what scenarios have you performed, that before the workshop would not have been possible? People within 1m proximity. In silence with people hearing. 2. How does your progress you made compare with what you expected to make? It was very, very insightful altogether. My expectations wer...

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  1149 Hits

Supporting young people to attend UKPT Workshops


We welcome people of all ages to our Workshops. Participants frequently range from teenagers (including those under 18) to people in their seventies and beyond. Our youngest participants sometimes come to UKPT through parents, guardians or other adults seeking support on behalf of someone they care about. We asked two parents of participants to sha...

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  2785 Hits

I would never have believed it!


I have attended several UKPT workshops and thankfully am now able to urinate almost anytime anywhere, for the most part at least. I had an interesting experience a couple months ago. This past academic year I have been doing my last year of law school. The pandemic delayed a few of my exams to August. I was able to sit the exams at home, but the de...

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  2368 Hits

Should have attended a workshop years ago - Andrea's story


I have just attended the most recent UKPT beginners workshop (2014) for people who experience shy bladder, and thought it might be useful for anyone else considering attending one in the future if I were to share some of my thoughts. I have had paruresis for many years and it has lessened its grip on me over the years so I'm no longer as severely a...

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  3728 Hits

The Road to SUCCESS…Ian's story


March 2003 Just thought I would share my story so far…and the steps I have taken to beat my AP. I have suffered for almost 20 odd years, but it has really gotten to me in the last 2, hence my finding the board etc. I could use stalls most of the time but not under pressure and maybe urinals if no one came in. In the last two years I have tried hypn...

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  4684 Hits

Chris' story


May 2005 Yes, I did go to the Beginners' Workshop in May (and thank you for all the supportive and encouraging messages in that regard) and I'm really glad I did so - a great thank you to Andrew for organising it. I went feeling pretty negative about myself and the prospects of the workshop helping me. However, over the course of the weekend, it co...

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  3602 Hits
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Last review date: January 2023.
Next review date: January 2026.

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