UKPT News and Blog

National Lottery funding

We're delighted to have received funding of just over £16,000 from National Lottery Awards for All in England and Scotland to fund our outreach activities over the next 12 months. We shall be trying to raise awareness of paruresis and UKPT as early as possible in people's experience of the condition, focusing on reaching students through universiti...
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Guest — chris
Awesome stuff. Way to go guys, as a 22 year old suffering from paruresis i think that increased awareness is something that can he... Read More
Tuesday, 18 September 2018 16:03
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UKPT Annual Report 2018

​The UK Paruresis Trust is pleased to provide it's latest annual report, released in June 2018.   Download PDF File Here
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Should have attended a workshop years ago - Andrea's story

I have just attended the most recent UKPT beginners workshop (2014) for people who experience shy bladder, and thought it might be useful for anyone else considering attending one in the future if I were to share some of my thoughts. I have had paruresis for many years and it has lessened its grip on me over the years so I'm no longer as severely a...
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Last review date: January 2023.
Next review date: January 2026.

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