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1 minute reading time (229 words)

I would never have believed it!


I have attended several UKPT workshops and thankfully am now able to urinate almost anytime anywhere, for the most part at least.

I had an interesting experience a couple months ago. This past academic year I have been doing my last year of law school. The pandemic delayed a few of my exams to August. I was able to sit the exams at home, but the deal was that everyone doing them at home had to be monitored remotely through their computer, the whole time! You were not allowed to leave your desk at all in that time, with each exam lasting up to 3 hours. The stress of the whole thing was such that in my second exam in August, I had to urinate really badly, but could not leave my desk. Thankfully, I had prepared for this scenario, having left a bottle by my desk. So, with someone electronically watching me from the chest up I knelt down and peed into a bottle during an exam!

If anyone had told me at my first UKPT workshop that I would be able to do that in due course, I would never have believed it! 

I sometimes wonder where I would be if I had never gone to a workshop, and I would likely never have done most of the things I have done over the last few years.

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