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British Medical Association's (BMA) Patient Information Awards 2019


UK Paruresis Trust are delighted that their website was recently rated Highly Commended in the British Medical Association's (BMA) Patient Information Awards 2019.

The awards were established in 1997 to encourage excellence in the production and design of health information resources for patients.

Judges from the BMA assessed how health professionals and experts had been involved in developing the website, in addition to the involvement of users of UKPT's services. They wanted to know where UKPT took its references and sources of information from, and how the website is promoted and evaluated.

Their comments were "I think this resource is a very good one. There is very little information on this subject for people with this condition and this resource fills a huge gap. The strength of this resource is that it is user led but appears to have good professional input too."

UKPT's leaflet "Can't go in toilets when others are around?" was also rated Commended in the awards. 

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BMA Patient Information Awards Highly Commended 2019
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Last review date: January 2023.
Next review date: January 2026.

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