Toilet layouts – bad design

Paruresis Hell
This is just too cosy and would send most people who experience paruresis (shy bladder syndrome) straight for the cubicles.
It has got a divider though.

Big Loo

No Dividers
It's a basic human need to want privacy.
However people who experience paruresis can’t rely on toilet design changing and therefore most paruresis sufferers work on changing themselves.

A very typical layout – at least they haven't tried to squeeze 3 pee pods in as sometime happens!
No dividers again.

The easy choice here for both males and females with paruresis to use the accessible toilet.
A ladies urinal has now been developed. Although this has won a design award it is unlikely to prove popular as most cultures would not be ready to accept such a radical change.

The cash was available to build a shower room but not for a couple of inexpensive dividers.

Not Bad
This one has the urinals at an angle which gives a better feeling of privacy. Both the male and female toilets in this scheme feature proper cubicle walls (rather than a sheet of cardboard!) and floor to ceiling doors – Quality!

Paruresis Heaven
This design is typical of a lot of new buildings where there is no difference between the male and female toilets.
This, of course, is the exception rather than the rule, and whilst making for a nice surprise for most people who experience paruresis, would not help in confronting the problem.

Funky Toilet Design
This is an example of a very funky design - which would be considered rather challenging for people who experience paruresis, to say the least!
However, humour tends to relax people and you would have a great reason to go in 'just for a look' and plenty to talk about when you return to the dance floor.
It was interesting to note that at the recent UKPT meeting on two occasions when 3 members went to the toilet (there were four urinals), members of the public on finding only one free urinal decided to use the cubicles. What does this mean?
The UKPT members who had paruresis should have stopped mid-stream and tried to recruit new members? Even people without a problem sometimes feel uncomfortable 'sandwiching' themselves between fellow human beings when carrying out one of life's more private tasks.