UKPT News and Blog

Paruresis in Urology Awareness Month

Paruresis in Urology Awareness Month
It's Urology Awareness Month. Compared to the list of many serious and potentially life-threatening urology conditions, is this really the time and place to talk about shy bladder syndrome? I would say yes it is. Shy bladder syndrome, also known as paruresis, may not be life threatening but it can be life-affecting for people who experience it in i...
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  1237 Hits
1237 Hits

Pee in the Park

Macca, Diana Ross, Stereophonics, Pearl Jam, Duran Duran – yes, the music festival season has begun. After two years of no festivals due to Covid, we're all in the mood for some fun in the sun, or the mud, a spot of musical nostalgia, and some relaxation with good friends. But for those of us who live with paruresis it's not that easy. Mention fest...
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  1671 Hits
1671 Hits

Annual Report 2021-2022

Ok, so annual reports are not the most exciting reads. They'll never appear on bestseller lists. But all charities have to report their activities to the Charity Commission annually. And we can provide an interesting short report for the people who use the organisation's services. Or for people who may consider using our services in the future. The...
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  1267 Hits
1267 Hits

Conquer your “performance anxiety”

"Most men, however brave, have some anxiety or fear in them" (Babur)Many men have been expected since their earliest days to be brave. People say "big boys don't cry", "man up", "pull yourself together" and "be a man". We've all heard these sayings countless times ¬– perhaps from parents, perhaps from friends or work colleagues. The message is clea...
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  1653 Hits
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Recent comment in this post
Guest — Andrew Ince
What I find surprising is the lack of any mention on the NHS websites of the condition. Given the estimated numbers with the condi... Read More
Saturday, 30 December 2023 14:39
1653 Hits
1 Comment

UKPT website - hit or miss?

We know that most workshop attendees get their initial information about paruresis and UKPT from our website, so we want to make sure that it offers the best experience possible. With that in mind, we're carrying out a review of our website to give both the public and health professionals the confidence that our information is robust and accessible...
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  1169 Hits
1169 Hits

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Last review date: January 2023.
Next review date: January 2026.

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