UKPT News and Blog

Is paruresis (shy bladder syndrome) curable?


That's the question which everyone who has paruresis wants to know the answer to. There is certainly no easy option. There is no pill you can take which will make it go away, never to return. But don't let that make you feel despondent. There is plenty you can do to make significant improvements to your shy bladder condition so that it no longer do...

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  1985 Hits

Wiser’s Wramblings-I’m Not Shying Away This Time


A blog writer in a local newspaper in small town USA ponders on his shy bladder issue. Wiser's Wramblings - I'm Not Shying Away This Time: A nice awkward chat about "Shy Bladder Syndrome" 

  1199 Hits

"Practice makes perfect"


How often do we hear that phrase? Practice is how we learn to play a musical instrument, throw a bullseye in darts, learn to skate, run faster, jump higher, dance better – the secret behind all these skills is to practice. The more we practice, the better our progress. For anyone who has attended a UK Paruresis Trust shy bladder workshop you'll kno...

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  1555 Hits

Have yourself a stress free Christmas

Have yourself a stress free Christmas

Christmas can be a wonderful time of joy and celebration. Traditionally families get together, children look forward to Santa's visit, and Christians celebrate the nativity – you don't need me to point all this out. You probably also don't need me to point out that some people find Christmas very hard. Family relationships may not be as peaceful as...

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  1189 Hits

UKPT reviews – fake or genuine feedback?


I recently listened to a podcast, which discussed how trustworthy, or not, online reviews are. According to several consumer organisations, up to 1 in 3 may be fake. As the use of Artificial Intelligence tools becomes more commonplace, it may become even harder to tell genuine reviews from convincing fakes which are designed to mislead the reader. ...

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  1836 Hits
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BMA Patient Information Awards Highly Commended 2019
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Last review date: January 2023.
Next review date: January 2026.

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