Ok, so annual reports are not the most exciting reads. They'll never appear on bestseller lists. But all charities have to report their activities to the Charity Commission annually. And we can provide an interesting short report for the people who use the organisation's services. Or for people who may consider using our services in the future.
The annual report is a good way for the trustees to remind themselves why they became involved. We're all volunteers; we are passionate about helping people who have shy bladder syndrome, also known as paruresis. After all the meetings, the planning, and the policies, it's good to look back and see what we've achieved during the year.
The UKPT's aim is to support people suffering from paruresis. We do this by providing internet-based information and support. We provide workshops, which people find amazing. We aim to raise awareness of paruresis. Also awareness of things like toilet design, which can help or hinder peeing. And we try very hard to raise awareness of the condition with health professionals, so that paruresis sufferers visiting their GP for the first time will get an informed and sympathetic response.
The annual report is a way of reminding people that this charity exists. We're a very small organisation, and in order to make our voice heard, and our presence noticed, we have to punch above our weight. It can be all too easy for people to overlook uncomfortable conditions like paruresis and to push them to the back of their minds. From time to time we have to get on our soapbox and remind folk "we're still here….."
The annual report is a way of showing the world who our funders are, and of showing our appreciation for their confidence in us. It's a way of thanking our volunteers, our Admin Co-ordinator and our Advisors. And it's a way of, perhaps, catching the interest of someone who is living in silence with paruresis, convinced that they're the only person in the world who can't pee when other folk are around.
If that's you, please read our annual report, take a look at the website, read other people's experiences, consider a workshop – what have you got to lose?
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