UKPT News and Blog

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UKPT website - hit or miss?


We know that most workshop attendees get their initial information about paruresis and UKPT from our website, so we want to make sure that it offers the best experience possible.

With that in mind, we're carrying out a review of our website to give both the public and health professionals the confidence that our information is robust and accessible. It's particularly important for us to get the views of people who have used our website for information or support, whether they are people living with paruresis themselves, health professionals, or family members/friends of people experiencing paruresis.

We'd be extremely grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete our short survey and let us know your thoughts about our website. This will help us to make sure that future developments are shaped around the needs of users of our services. The survey will be closing on 30th April so there is still just time to have your say – will it be ???? or ???? ?

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Last review date: January 2023.
Next review date: January 2026.

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