UKPT News and Blog

1 minute reading time (158 words)

Silently facing an unmanly thing


Some men call it 'stage fright'. Many men experience it from time to time – they need to pee, they visit the urinal, but nothing happens. Another day it may be no problem. But for some men, stage fright (aka shy bladder syndrome or paruresis) is a daily fact of life. And a fact which can have devastating effects on their mental health. Social life, work life, relationships – all can suffer from the effects of trying to live with paruresis. Read more here about the secret social phobia which affects up to 4 million people in the UK.

As so many men now tackle mental health issues laid bare by lockdown, it's never been a better time to be open about your mental health and to ask for help. Visit to learn more about this disabling condition, and to find out how you can begin to tackle it through one of our virtual workshops. 

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