UKPT News and Blog

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UKPT in the News


Not many people have heard of paruresis. It's frequently called shy bladder, but even people who have experienced it for many years are often unfamiliar with the word 'paruresis'. It's not surprising then that at UKPT we sometimes find it difficult to get ourselves noticed. Social media has helped a lot. And our website and Google have made it easier for us to tell people about paruresis and how we can help them to overcome it. But there's nothing like a newspaper or magazine article to capture the public's wider attention and help spread awareness. And in recent months we're delighted to have been featured in the British Medical Journal, the Daily Mail and the Irish News. 

Please click the links below to read the articles in full.

If you recognise yourself in these articles, why not consider booking onto one of our Workshops?


Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

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Let’s talk about shy bladder syndrome
Silently facing an unmanly thing


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Monday, 10 February 2025
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Last review date: January 2023.
Next review date: January 2026.

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