UKPT News and Blog

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New resources for women


The notion of public toilet "performance anxiety" is a familiar one to many men, with up to 4 million in the UK saying that they experience shy bladder (paruresis) to some degree. But do women experience shy bladder too? Yes, they do, and we know that it can cause pain, anxiety, restricted lives and depression. But as no figures exist for women, we have no idea how widespread it is.

The UKPT is in contact with a number of women who experience paruresis. We meet online on a regular basis to exchange experiences, express our worries and our successes, support each other when life is challenging, and even laugh at times. Do drop us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you'd like to take part or even just to discuss it initially.

You might also find it interesting to visit Martin Burridge's new YouTube series of Shy Bladder videos. One of the videos is specifically geared towards women with input from UKPT. You can find it here.

Read more about women and paruresis here.

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