UKPT News and Blog

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Meet a UKPT Workshop Leader


Experience tells us that people often hesitate before booking onto UKPT Workshop. Sometimes weeks, months or even years will go by between finding out about the UKPT and attending a Workshop. We are always happy that people do come along when the time is right for them.

The feedback we receive after Workshops often mentions the friendly, welcoming atmosphere which the Workshop Leaders help to create. People tell us that if they had met the Workshop Leaders in advance, they may have attended sooner. With this in mind, one of our Workshop Leaders has recently recorded a short video describing his own experience of paruresis, and encouraging you to join a Workshop. The UKPT usually runs face-to-face Workshops, but these are currently taking place online as Virtual Workshops.

Click here to find out more about attending our Workshops – we hope to see you on a Workshop soon. 

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Last review date: January 2023.
Next review date: January 2026.

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