Private Therapy Options

Hi Arlo. We are actively looking to put on a virtual one day workshop, so it would help us if you registered your interest soon. Just go to the "Book a workshop" page on our website.

#711 by andrew

I looked at the site, and I am still very undecided to be honest. They all looked nice people, but ( and I may be wrong so don't shoot the messenger) I got the impression most were concentrating on life issues, happiness, fulfillment etc.
Avoidant Paruresis is a very different creature, it is an obstinate, poorly understood, deeply rooted phobia with what can seem insurmountable physical effects, and talking through life issues, past traumas etc. well....I'm not convinced. I would need to see the therapist had some experience of the problem and how to treat it. And I speak as someone ( like many of us I reckon) who has been met with blank and puzzled looks from medics and Urologists ( and they of all people should know better)

#726 by Ricky

Hi Ricky, I will answer about therapists later. But quickly just to say we want to put on a one day virtual workshop in December. We will not be dealing with what you are not keen on: instead we will be doing graduated desensitisation and explaining the real world of peeing. You have nothing to lose, and will been the safety of your own home. So I hope you will come back with a yes?

#727 by andrew

Thanks Andrew but I wont be at home then ( providing the lockdown is lifted) I fly south for Winter and a zoom session wouldn't be practical.

#730 by Ricky

Hi Andrew,
I posted a reply, but it somehow didn't appear. But it was just to say I'm away in December.

#745 by Ricky

Hi Ricky, at the risk of repetition, here are some of my thoughts on seeking a therapist for shy bladder.

In seeking a psychotherapist to help with avoidant paruresis, we would recommend finding one who is qualified and experienced in providing CBT for social anxiety disorders. The best place to start is with the British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapists (BABCP). This is the lead professional organisation for the accreditation and training of CBT psychotherapists.

In choosing a CBT psychotherapist, there are several factors to consider apart from gender. What are their qualifications and experience? Are they accredited with the BABCP? Do they have an interest in treating social anxiety disorders? Are they aware of avoidant paruresis? Have they helped clients with it in the past? Can they provide a structured, directive approach to the work, using a graduated exposure model?

To find CBT practitioners online is straightforward. The BABCP has produced a register of all members of it and its companion organisation, the Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (AREBT). You will find this here:

#754 by peterd
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Last review date: January 2023.
Next review date: January 2026.

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