Hello, Any Advice?

Awful response by the doctor who should be caring for you!

#1987 by RickH

Hello Chris,

I am always having problems with shy bladder.

Have things got better for you recently?



#4149 by Ward

That doctor should be reported for failure to treat you. At least he should have referred you to a urologist as a minimum. I talk as a retired doctor. You cannot allow thus to go on as badly as you describe. You will get some complications with the back pressurein your kidneys if not danaged already.

#4152 by Rick

Any chance of a quick call with you about your experience as a doctor please. You can connect me by email at support at the domain name in the Contacts page.
Chair of trustees UKPT

#4154 by andrew
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Last review date: January 2023.
Next review date: January 2026.

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