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UK Paruresis Trust gains PIF TICK accreditation to become a ‘trusted information creator’


UK Paruresis Trust has been awarded the PIF TICK – the UK's only quality mark for print and online health information.

To become a 'trusted information creator', UKPT had to undergo an assessment showing it met 10 key criteria.

This means you can be assured that what you are reading, watching or listening to is evidence-based, understandable, jargon-free, up-to-date and produced to the best possible standard.

Andrew Smith (Chair of UKPT) said: "Gaining the PIF TICK shows we have a strong process for developing our health information resources. With so much information online it can be difficult to know what to trust. This quality mark is a quick and easy way for people to be assured our information is reliable and trustworthy."

The PIF TICK, which launched in May 2020 is run by the non-profit Patient Information Forum (PIF).

In July 2021, a public website,, was launched to raise awareness of PIF TICK accredited members and help people find trusted health information.

The site also includes guides on topics including spotting false health information and understanding evidence.

PIF TICK manager Dan Wills said: "We are thrilled to welcome UKPT to our ever-growing community of accredited PIF TICK members. Accurate, accessible, evidence-based information is key to increasing patient empowerment and improving health outcomes." 

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BMA Patient Information Awards Highly Commended 2019
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Last review date: January 2023.
Next review date: January 2026.

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