UKPT News and Blog

1 minute reading time (187 words)

Are you worried about providing a urine sample?


Around three quarters of organisations have specific drug and alcohol policies, many of which require employees to undertake a supervised urine test if there is a suspicion that they have been at work under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Or the policies may involve random urine testing.

For those with paruresis or shy bladder, these policies can present a real challenge and can even influence an individual's choice of career. An inclusive and supportive workplace culture would give people the opportunity to discuss any sensitive issues, including shy bladder, with their line manager before they are under the pressure of an imminent test.

We have recently published updated guidance for people who may have to take drug or alcohol urine tests. It includes guidance you can show to your employer or others to help them understand why shy bladder might make providing a sample more challenging for you in some circumstances.

As it's common for legal representatives to become involved in cases which progress to a tribunal, we have also included guidance for legal representatives who may be unfamiliar with paruresis.

Read the latest guidance here.

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