Paruresis Stories

1 minute reading time (175 words)

Going to hospital – a successful example of telling the medics


From a letter received by the UKPT.

A fortnight ago, I was found to have a partially detached retina and told immediate surgery was necessary. I explained to the consultant that this would present enormous problems re the use of hospital toilets and gave him some UKPT literature. He took it very seriously indeed and I was admitted to a room in the private wing of the N.H.S. hospital, with en-suite facilities – at no charge whatsoever. The UKPT literature was left attached in a very prominent place on my notes and it was obvious that all the medical staff who attended me had been briefed about the problem.

The consultant thanked me for making them all aware of the phobia, and treated me with the utmost sympathy and understanding.

So you see, the UKPT literature is invaluable, and the support group gives people the confidence to make their needs known.

Thank you so much for all you have done to facilitate this. I hope this story will encourage others to speak up and get help.

(Name and address supplied) 

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