Urine flow meter

I recently attended a hospital urology department for diagnosis of benign enlarged prostate. After a medical examination I was asked to drink water in order to take the flow meter test but despite copious cups of water I was unable to urinate and instead defecated. All very embarrassing. For many years I believe I've had shy bladder syndrome but didn't know others also experience pee on demand requests. The urologist said I would get another appointment for the test but I know I wont be able to provide a flow. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I should do.

#4221 by John

Assuming you can pee at home, provide the consultant with facts e.g. you peed say 400 ml in x secs. So drink up, and then pee into a measuring jug and time yourself. Do it several times. That gives him what the flow test would.


#4228 by andrew
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