UKPT News and Blog

Going in Front of Strangers or Friends


Many sufferers of paruresis tell us they often find it harder to go to the toilet when they are out or with people they know than with strangers. The issue suggests we worry a great deal about what our friends, family and acquaintances think of us; perhaps more so than strangers. Paruresis or "shy bladder syndrome" affects sufferers by making it di...

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Has Paruresis Affected Your Choice of Career?


When you suffer from paruresis (or shy bladder syndrome), the everyday activity of going to the toilet can turn into a minefield. Many sufferers avoid having to use public or shared bathrooms by cutting down on how much they drink or making an extra effort to time bathroom visits carefully so that they are the only ones using it. But paruresis migh...

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T's Story


Having looked at the forums and known about the UKPT workshops for around five years, I finally built up the courage to attend a beginners workshop last week.So many people seem to say this of the workshops that it seems like a bit of cliche, however, it is true. I do wish I had done this earlier.I have suffered from AP for nearly 20 years. I have ...

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Bernard's Story


Living With Avoidance Paruresis Avoidance Paruresis is the medical term for a condition known as shy bladder. This condition effects a persons ability to urinate while out socialising in public places or in many instances in the persons own home while others are present.I have lived with this condition since childhood but only recently discovered t...

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Coping with Paruresis as a Student


​Student life promises many things—and most of them exciting. For many young people, it marks their first venture into the adult world and all that entails, from living away from your family, to shopping for food, doing your own laundry and, hopefully, enjoying an exciting new social life. But if you're a sufferer of paruresis aka shy bladder syndr...

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BMA Patient Information Awards Highly Commended 2019
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Last review date: January 2023.
Next review date: January 2026.

UK Charity Registration Number 1109541
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