Book a Workshop

Upcoming Workshop Events

If you are interested in attending one of our Workshops but the following date is not possible for you, please email us at to register your interest so that we can keep you informed of future dates.

Workshop Registration

Please enter information in the form below to process registration for event Manchester Beginners.

Ticket Information

Ticket Type Price Quantity
Male £165.00

It will assist our planning if you can indicate whether or not you can pee in the following situations, adding comments if it depends on certain conditions.


We will need to store your contact information until after the workshop. All information will be stored according to our Privacy Policy. Please note that having been through the workshop experience ourselves we place the highest importance on confidentiality and will never pass your details on to anyone.

We would like to keep your email address after the workshop so that we can keep you informed of subsequent follow up workshops, and other paruresis-related information which we think may be of interest to you.

After the workshop, we will delete your postal address and phone numbers from our records. Note that the postal address is requested only for booking purposes; we do not use it for anything else. The mobile number is used only during the workshop. We would like to keep a record of your general location ie. London, Manchester, Glasgow for the purposes of future workshop locations.


I, the undersigned, understand that the UKPT constitutes people who have suffered with avoidant paruresis, and who have organised themselves into a self-help organisation to help people cope with urinary dysfunction that has a psychological or social origin.

I understand that the UKPT personnel are not medically or psychologically qualified and are not practising medicine, psychiatry, clinical psychology, clinical social work or any other mental health profession on this workshop.

I accept that the UKPT disclaims all legal liability from any deterioration in physical, mental and emotional health as a result of attending this workshop.

Financial Help

We do not want money to be a limitation to you getting help with your Paruresis. We are a small Charity with limited financial resources which we try to stretch as far as possible in order to be able to help as many people as possible. For example the workshop leaders are unpaid volunteers who undertake workshop provision in their own time. However, we can provide financial help if you have limited finances, for example a student, or someone receiving benefits. So if you are struggling to find the finances to attend a workshop, then please contact us in confidence by email. Remember, we are here to help.

Please note: Booking will not be confirmed until payment is received. Cancellations within 7 days of a workshop starting will be charged a £20 fee.

Payment Information

Payment Method *
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Registered with Fundraising Regulator
Community Fund
BMA Patient Information Awards Highly Commended 2019
Trusted Information Creator
Copyright © 2017 United Kingdom Paruresis Trust. All Rights Reserved.
Last review date: January 2023.
Next review date: January 2026.

UK Charity Registration Number 1109541
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