Book a Workshop

Upcoming Workshop Events

If you are interested in attending one of our Workshops but the following date is not possible for you, please email us at to register your interest so that we can keep you informed of future dates.

Manchester Follow-Up

Most participants find the beginners' workshop mind-blowing, and think they are sorted and don't really need to do any work. Alas not so. They also forget a lot of the useful stuff! Hence the need to attend a follow-up workshop to (a) show that the improvements made at the beginners workshop were not a one-off, (b) to go over all the topics again, and (c) to re-motivate you to start seriously working at it on your own after the workshop ends. Again participants say they find this workshop very useful, and even necessary, to push them along.

Workshop Details

Workshop Date 25-10-2024 7:00 pm
Workshop End Date 27-10-2024 2:00 pm
Individual Price £165
Location Manchester
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BMA Patient Information Awards Highly Commended 2019
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Copyright © 2017 United Kingdom Paruresis Trust. All Rights Reserved.
Last review date: January 2023.
Next review date: January 2026.

UK Charity Registration Number 1109541
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