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Upcoming Workshop Events

If you are interested in attending one of our Workshops but the following date is not possible for you, please email us at to register your interest so that we can keep you informed of future dates.

Virtual Workshop

The Virtual Workshops are a condensed version of our regular Beginners Workshops with all the activity taking place within one full day. Just as in our normal workshops we know that that can sound quite scary, and because of that we limit attendance to a small group so that the workshop leaders can give you all individual support.   

We also know that the thought of facing your fears may sound impossible, so we help you to decide your own starting point to be as safe as you want. There is no set target over the day; you will progress at your own pace and at your own comfort level.

In order to attend the Virtual Workshop you will need to;

  • have a good internet connection
  • install Zoom on your smartphone, tablet or laptop (desktop will not work as you need to move it around)
  • have a level of privacy and access to your own private toilet to do virtual de-sensing at home
  • be available for the full day (about 9:00 am to 6:00 pm)

It is important to note that the UKPT does not provide professional treatment; instead, it uses a self-help ethos, where the volunteer leaders are not medically or psychologically qualified, but are recovering from the condition themselves having “graduated” from our workshops. They are passing on what they learnt in a layman’s capacity. Feedback so far is that this approach is helpful to participants. However, it is not the aim of the UKPT to be a replacement for professional therapy; instead, it is providing support, especially where professional resources are not available. 

Note that generally no-one is cured in a workshop, virtual or real – some people need 2 or 3 workshops to make major progress and some require even more, but the majority find the first workshop enables them to make a significant start to gaining control over the condition, helping them to see a way forward and make an action plan. A good way is to see it like training for a marathon: it takes time and perseverance, but it can be done so long as you don't rush it and expect miracles.

Confidentiality is key; you will discuss your progress during the Virtual Workshop only with the workshop leaders in private, not with other participants.

The Virtual Workshop fee is £75. If money is a problem, don't let it be. You can make a contribution instead of paying the full fee. The policy of UKPT is that lack of money should not prevent anyone participating, and there is a small bursary fund available for those who might otherwise struggle to attend.

Workshop Details

Workshop Date 28-09-2024 9:00 am
Workshop End Date 28-09-2024 6:00 pm
Individual Price £75

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

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Last review date: January 2023.
Next review date: January 2026.

UK Charity Registration Number 1109541
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